
Introduction to Business Administration

This online certificate program is aimed at giving you the basic knowledge about the functions and principles of business management.  

Learners enrolled in an e-certificate program are provided with access to textbooks in PDF format and complementary learning materials available on Anadolum eCampus, all developed according to distance learning and self-learning principles, to get prepared for certificate examinations.

Enrollment fee is TRY 400. Learners that fail the certificate examination pay a reduced fee of TRY 200 to renew enrollment and retake the examination.

Kimler Katılabilir ?

This program is for those who wish to improve their knowledge about business administration, including high-school graduates as well as students and graduates from various faculties such as engineering and medicine.


To complete an e-certificate program successfully, learners are required to achieve a score of 50 out of 100 in the examination.  

If a learner fails to obtain the minimum required score in the examination, she/he needs to renew enrollment to retake the succeeding examination.



Introduction to Business Administration

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