
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

This online certificate is designed to equip you with the basic knowledge and skills needed for foreign policy analysis and diplomacy in the context of contemporary International Relations.

Learners enrolled in an e-certificate program are provided with access to textbooks in PDF format and complementary learning materials available on Anadolum eCampus, all developed according to distance learning and self-learning principles, to get prepared for certificate examinations.

Enrollment fee is TRY 400. Learners that fail the certificate examination pay a reduced fee of TRY 200 to renew enrollment and retake the examination.

Kimler Katılabilir ?

This program is for those who wish to improve their knowledge about foreign policy analysis and diplomacy, particularly current students and graduates preparing for pre-employment exams in the field of foreign affairs as well as those planning to study post-graduate degrees in related topics.


To complete an e-certificate program successfully, learners are required to achieve a score of 50 out of 100 in the examination.  

If a learner fails to obtain the minimum required score in the examination, she/he needs to renew enrollment to retake the succeeding examination.



Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 

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